Myopic Foveoschisis with external macular hole treated with phako-ppv and ilm removal. Ilm peeling was performed in a very careful way to avoid full thickness macular hole and preserving foveal ilm.
Myopic Patient with subluxated IOL and Myopic Foveoschisis treated with 23G PPV, IOL sulcus repositioning and epiretinal membrane and ilm peeling.
Agujero Macular Miópico
Foveoschisis and Macular Hole in a highly Myopic patient. Patient was treated with complete macular ILM peeling and ILM Superior Flap in order to increase success rate in macular hole closing
Myopic Macular Hole Retinal detachment. I operated with 23G PPV to be able to reach the posterior pole with my forceps. I performed PVD induction and Vitrectomy, I flattened the retina with PFCL in order to peel vitreoschisis, erm and ilm. I had to stain twice to be sure all traction was removed. I performed vitreous shaving, FAX and left gas.