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Cirugía interfase vítreo retiniana agujeros maculares

Epiretinal Membrane 25G PPV (Membrana Epirretiniana Vitrectomía 25G)

Epiretinal Membrane 25G Peeling

Diego Ruiz Casas / VR Surgery
992 visualizaciones

Epiretinal Membrane PhacoPPV (Membrana Epirretiniana Facovitrectomía)

Epiretinal Membrane Peeling with 25G Instruments

Diego Ruiz Casas / VR Surgery
615 visualizaciones

27G PhacoPPV ERM (Membrana Epirretiniana / Facovitrectomía 27G)

Cataract and Epiretinal Membrane treated with 27G PhacoVitrectomy and IOL Implantation

Diego Ruiz Casas / VR Surgery
561 visualizaciones

Epiretinal Membrane Phacoemulsification and 25G Vitrectomy (Membrana Epirretiniana / FacoVPP 25G)

ERM treated with 25G Vitrectomy and Phakoemulsificaction, ERM Peeling and ILM Peeling

Diego Ruiz Casas / VR Surgery
614 visualizaciones

Agujero Macular Lamelar y Pseudoagujero Macular

Lamellar Macular Hole / ILM Flaps (Agujero Macular Laminar Vitrectomía con flaps de MLI)

Lamellar Macular Hole treated with 25G PPV, ERM peeling and ILM peeling with ILM flaps. ILM flaps were inverted over the macular hole to regenerate tissue and improve anatomical outcome

Diego Ruiz Casas / VR Surgery
4079 visualizaciones

Tracción Vítreo-Macular

VMT 25G PhacoPPV ILM Flaps (Tracción Vitreomacular tratada con facovitrectomía 25G y flaps de MLI)

Vitreomacular Traction treated with 25G PhacoPPV and ILM Peeling with ILM flaps in order to improve anatomical outcome and reduce unroofing rate.

Diego Ruiz Casas / VR Surgery
326 visualizaciones

VMT 25G PhacoPPV (Tracción Vitreomacular Facovitrectomía 25G)

Vitreomacular Traction treated with 25G PhacoPPV, ILM peeling and air tamponade.

Diego Ruiz Casas / VR Surgery
241 visualizaciones

Vitreomacular Traction 25G Phakovitrectomy (Tracción Vitreomacular / Facovitrectomía 25G)

VMT treated with 25G vitrectomy and PVD induction with VMT realesing by tangential PH pulling, ILM peeling and FAX

Diego Ruiz Casas / VR Surgery
2566 visualizaciones

Agujero Macular

27G PPV Macular Hole (Agujero Macular / Vitrectomía 27G)

Macular Hole Treated with 27G PPV, ILM Peeling and air tamponade

Diego Ruiz Casas / VR Surgery
434 visualizaciones

Macular Hole Phacoemulsification and 25G Vitrectomy (Agujero Macular / Facovitrectomía 25G)

Macular Hole treated with Phakoemulsification, 25G Vitrectomy, ILM Peeling and Sf6

Diego Ruiz Casas / VR Surgery
765 visualizaciones

Temporal ILM Flap (Myopic MH) / Colgajo de ILM Temporal en AM Miope

Myopic Macular Hole with Fovoschisis treated with complete ILM peeling in the macular area and temporal ILM Flap to increase anatomical success rate.

Diego Ruiz Casas / VR Surgery
630 visualizaciones

Agujero Macular Persistente

ILM Graft (Autoinjerto de MLI para Agujero Macular Persistente)

Persistent MH after ILM Extense ILM Peeling and Gas. I performed ILM autograft to seal the macular hole and fluid-air-exchange and left SF620%.

Diego Ruiz Casas / VR Surgery
426 visualizaciones
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