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Operación de cataratas

Cataract Phacoemulsification (Cirugía de Catarata / Facoemulsificación e implante de LIO)

Normal cataract surgery

Diego Ruiz Casas / VR Surgery
2440 visualizaciones

Extracapsular Cataract Surgery (Cirugía de Catarata Extracapsular)

White-Black cataract after ocular trauma 50 years ago. Zonula was extremely weak. I tried phaco but lens was impossible to divide. I change the surgical approach to perform extracapsular extraction with SICS technique. After lens removal I removed capsular bag and implanted and Iris-Claw Iris Lens

Diego Ruiz Casas / VR Surgery
10369 visualizaciones

Phacomorphic Glaucoma (Catarata en Glaucoma Facomórfico)

Phacomorphic glaucoma treated with 23G PPV to create anterior chamber and phaco+IOL

Diego Ruiz Casas / VR Surgery
511 visualizaciones

Nanophthalmic Cataract (Catarata en ojo nanoftálmico)

Nanophthalmic Eye with Cataract treated with Phacoemulsification and IOL implantation with 25G PPV to reduce choroidal effusion

Diego Ruiz Casas / VR Surgery
487 visualizaciones

27G PhacoPPV ERM (Membrana Epirretiniana / Facovitrectomía 27G)

Cataract and Epiretinal Membrane treated with 27G PhacoVitrectomy and IOL Implantation

Diego Ruiz Casas / VR Surgery
556 visualizaciones

Cirugía de la Rotura Capsular Posterior y Luxación del Cristalino

Dropped Lens 25G PPV (Nucleo Luxado / Vitrectomía 25G)

Dropped lens during Femto-Phacoemulsification. I operated the patient with 25G PPV, Lens Removal and Sulcus Button-Hole IOL Implantation.

Diego Ruiz Casas / VR Surgery
542 visualizaciones

Dropped Lens and Iridoplasty (Nucleo Luxado / Vitrectomía e Iridoplastia)

Complicated cataract surgery with dropped lens fragments and iris traumatic resection. I treated the patient with ppv and dropped lens fragments removal, pdv induction and vitreous shaving. Then I implanted a 3-piece IOL in Sulcus with button.hole support and I repaired the iris with McCannel Iridoplasty.

Diego Ruiz Casas / VR Surgery
525 visualizaciones

Vitrectomy Dropped Lens (Nucleo Luxado / Vitrectomía)

Complicated cataract surgery with Lens luxation treated with 23G vitrectomy, lens removal with fragmatome and IOL Iris-Claw Implantation

Diego Ruiz Casas / VR Surgery
1876 visualizaciones

Vitreous Haemorrhage (Hemovitreo / Vitrectomía)

Vitreous Haemorrhage after cataract surgery with dropped lens fragments treated with 23G pars plana vitrectomy and phacofragmentation and IOL Implantation in Sulcus Button-Hole

Diego Ruiz Casas / VR Surgery
703 visualizaciones

Cirugía de la Afaquia con Implante de LIO y Cirugía de la luxación de LIO

Subluxated IOL Removal / PC Iris-Claw IOL (LIO Subluxada Extracción+Lente Artisan Retropupilar)

Subluxated IOL treated with 25G PPV, IOL Removal and Posterior Chamber Iris-Claw IOL Implantation

Diego Ruiz Casas / VR Surgery
1121 visualizaciones

CTR/IOL Subluxation Iris Claw IOL (Anillo-lente Subluxadas Extracción y Artisan Retropupilar)

Subluxated Capsular Bag with capsular tension ring and IOL. I treated them with CTR and IOL Removal and Posterior Chamber Iris-Claw IOL Implantation

Diego Ruiz Casas / VR Surgery
619 visualizaciones

Sulcus IOL Exchange (Recambio de LIO en Sulcus)

Complicated cataract surgery with luxated IOL, lens fragments and cortical debris. I performed complete vitrectomy an IOL exchange with 3p IOL sulcus implantation button-hole

Diego Ruiz Casas / VR Surgery
531 visualizaciones

Opaque IOL Removal (LIO opacificada / Recambio de LIO)

Opaque IOL removal and Posterior Chamber Retropupillary Iris-Claw IOL Implantation

Diego Ruiz Casas / VR Surgery
217 visualizaciones

Prepupillay Iris Claw IOL (Lente Verisyse Prepupilar)

Luxated IOL in a previously vitrectomized patiend because of retinal detachment. I removed the IOL and Implanted an anterior chamber Iris-Claw IOL

Diego Ruiz Casas / VR Surgery
529 visualizaciones

IOL Sulcus Button Hole (LIO en Sulcus con Button-Hole en Capsula Anterior)

Patient with cystoid macular edema due to iris rubbing because of sulcus 1 piece IOL. I removed the IOL and put a 3 piece IOL in sulcus with button-hole fixation.

Diego Ruiz Casas / VR Surgery
307 visualizaciones

Luxated IOL RING (Complejo Anillo-LIO Luxados)

Luxated IOL with capsular bag and capsular tension ring. I performed 25 PPV and separeted the IOL from the Capsular RIng. Then I removed IOL and Capsular Ring through a 2.75 mm corneal incision

Diego Ruiz Casas / VR Surgery
389 visualizaciones

Scleral Tunnel IOL Implantation (LIO de anclaje en tuneles esclerales)

3 piece IOL luxated implanted with scleral tunnels.

Diego Ruiz Casas / VR Surgery
1588 visualizaciones

Luxated IOL and Retropupillary Iris-Claw IOL Implantation (LIO luxada / Verisyse retropupilar)

Luxated IOL treated with 25G vitrectomy, IOL removal and Retropupillary Iris-Claw IOL Implantation

Diego Ruiz Casas / VR Surgery
1010 visualizaciones
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