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Penetrating ocular trauma due to retrobulbar needle in a highly myopic eye. I treated the patient with 25G vitrectomy, subretina blood removal, ilm and incipient membrane peeling, endolaser and silicone oil.
Scleral Rupture and retinal incarceration after blunt trauma. It was treated with 23G PPV, lensectomy, retinotomy and silicone oil
Eye trauma with sclero-corneal laceration, intumescent cataract, traumatic iridectomy and vitreous haemorrhage. I performed anterior lensectomy with capsular bag preservation due to massive zonular damage and anterior chamber vitreous prolapse. Then I performed complete vitrectomy and I implanted a capsular tension ring and a lens in the capsular bag. Finally I repaired iris defect and performed FAX.